A picture from my cell phone cam. I had GREAT seats. Two rows back.
A beautiful day in Houston, Texas for our AHS graduation at Reliant Stadium. It was our second graduation ever... and it went off perfectly. Norma took some pictures from the stands. I was sitting on the floor with my advisory kids as they graduated. It was a neat feeling to be down there with them and able to share it with them. But, it was a LOT easier than last year when I had to read the White Community names as the kids crossed the stage. Talk about pressure.
Graduation is such a happy and sad mix. You are so proud and happy for what these kids have accomplished. But, you are so sad to see them moving on, yet it is exactly what must happen. The old make way for the new. We'll have a new group of freshmen on campus next year to take their place and the beat goes on. But, this was a very special group. They spent grades 10-12 at our new school and had come to us from the freshman campus. So they never spent any time at the old high school. They were 100% our kids. Next year will be the graduating of the first group to spend all 4 years with us. That will also be very special.
Here are a few pictures from the day:

Two of my seniors, they were so excited. Such great kids.
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