Saturday, February 27, 2010

iSupport Hati

Thought I would post this picture and a few comments.
This was the front page of our school newspaper.  A group of students and administrators posed for the picture above.  I'm in the front row on the bottom of the picture, 2nd from the right.  My wife is just next to me on the left with red sleeves.  This picture was taken to celebrate iSupport Haiti T-Shirt day.  Our school raised $8,000 and the proceeds went to our district initative to raise at least $1 for every student in the district.  That's over $30,000.  Amazingly we reached our goal.  And we raised a full 20% of the district's goal.  It's great to see what a concerned group of people can do when their efforts are into it.

Below is a clearer picture of the T-shirts with me and Mrs. Duez:

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing how quickly people got organized to raise so much money and support after the earthquake. I had a small group of students who wanted to do their part - it started on their own time but when I got wind of it I told them they could get credit for their work for our Contemporary World Issues class. They didn't raise nearly as much as you all did but they felt good about what they did and our government matched it dollar for dollar so they felt even better about it :) They made t-shirts, raised money, created a facebook group, and made a website.

    The best part? The student who started the idea was new to our program, quiet, and troubled. He's a different person now - he even stands differently, straighter.

    ps - ilike (couldn't resist :) your tshirts!


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